Folding at 3m to drive with serenity.
Standard or scissors folding depending on width (scissors from 9m).
SARCLERSE units feature dual tines fastened with a clip pin for quick changing.
The mounting system eliminates play (constant elastic pressure mounting) between the tine tube and the double tine.
The clip is held tightly against the tube due to the constant tine pressure, which guarantees that the tines are well held.
Spacing between tines : 25mm. 3 models of tines adapted to your crops: Ø7mm compact tines (L=430mm) or Ø7mm long tines (L=530mm) or Ø8mm standard tines (L=530mm) depending on the type of crops and soil Manual or hydraulic adjustment of the tines aggressiveness.
Available from 1.50 to 12 m in carried version !